Monday, November 15, 2010

Turkey Day

I have yet again fallen behind on telling you all about my fun weekend I mentioned a few posts back, but I have been very busy planning what I'm going to do for Thanksgiving dinner!! My momma has been nice enough to offer to send me a care package of ingredients that won't be available to me over here.

Here is the menu I have planned so far:
-Turkey and stuffing (of course)
-Mashed potatoes and gravy
-Green bean casserole
-Cranberry sauce
-Sweet potato fries
-Lemon pepper zucchini
-Deviled eggs
-Bread Rolls
-Corn Bread
-Pumpkin pie
-Apple cider

Now I need your help: AM I FORGETTING ANYTHING???

If you see that I'm forgetting something crucial or painfully obvious from the traditional Thanksgiving meal, please let me know in the comments section! :)

Thanks in advance!!

1 comment:

  1. i know you already have a pie one there...but i really love pecan is a thanksgiving staple at the marin household...and corn on the cob dude!
