Ok...I am well aware that I've fallen into the bad habit of starting my posts with apologies, but this time I really have a good excuse! I caught a bad cold on Monday and I've been miserably sick since then. Marjorie is closing the salon for the afternoon and taking me to the doctor later today. So with that said, I'm NOT sorry for the lack of posts lately ;)
This past weekend, though, was a lot of fun! Saturday night I went out with some of the other au pairs. They happen to be going out in my neck of the woods, so I lucked out with having a ride (we all live in different parts of the neighborhood, and I'm the only one without a car). They picked me up Saturday night and we went out to a bar downtown and after to a club called "La Plage". It's fun having so many different nationalities all hanging out together. It was like the beginning of a bad joke:
"So an American, British, Hungarian, Danish, Dutch, and German girl walk into a bar..."
But we had a BLAST! I haven't been out since I got here, so I was excited to finally leave the house. The girls are a lot of fun too, thank god they asked me to go out with them. However, nothing makes me feel more foreign than going to a bar in France. It's surreal.
Sunday afternoon 4 of us took a mini road trip to Aix-En-Provence, which is a town about an hour north from Toulon. It was BEAUTIFUL! Kudos to Steph (my lovely British friend) for organizing the trip. Aix is the city where
Paul Cézanne lived and painted, so that was pretty cool for me to see, as an art history major.
Pictures from our lovely day in Aix:
Monday I had school and ended up coming home straight after because it was raining, unfortunately. But because it was my day off and I didn't have to work until 2 the next day, I went out with a few of my friends that night. I took the bus to Thuy's house, had dinner with her host family, and from there met up with Judit and Daisy and went to my friend Sophia's place. Thuy and Sophia are German, Judit is Hungarian, and Daisy is Dutch. We're a bit of a multicultural bunch. Anyway, we went to a friend's house and had some drinks and laughs there for a bit. I ended up spending the night at Sophia's house. Thing is, Sophia lives in the hotel that her host parents own and operate. Usually, she has her own room in the hotel...but right now it's being remodeled for about a week or so. Temporarily, they're put her up in a room above the hotel...as in on the roof. The view is amazing, of course:

However, the room was also very, very cold...and as I was sleeping in the spare bed, I only had one blanket. Needless to say, I woke up not feeling so hot. Every since then, this cold has made me pretty useless this week. Hopefully I'll feel better soon enough...I'm starting to go a bit stir crazy.
I'll let you all know how things go at the doctor's, but for now it's time I slip into another daze of cold medicine and Disney movies...